

Réseau belgo-luxembourgeois de valorisation des herbes médicinales

- The main objective of this net is the exchange of scientific data and research results on herbal medicine, with a special focus on Artemisia annua - The net relies on a dozen people with academic background in Belgium and Luxembourg, - It also relies on the partnership with similar networks in other countries and medical staff in Africa and South-America - It provides assistance to humanitarian NGOs: IFBV-L. MAISHA-B, ALASSEM-L..AMIZERO-L, Médecins d‘Afrique - The organization also aims at the marketing of herbal medicine products. Initially priority will be given to non-European countries. The promotion of herbal medicine will be based as far as possible on solid scientific data and written procedures in order to minimize the health hazards in the use of these products. It will comply with national and international requirements and prescriptions in this field The main communication tool between core members of this virtual association will be internet. Workshops or conferences will periodically take place in Belgium or Luxembourg. All core members are evidently welcome and they are free to invite other experts If need arises or if the workload becomes larger, a more formal association may be created, with eventual subcommittees. During the start-up phase this scientific network will be managed by Yves-Jacques Schneider (B) and Pierre Lutgen (L) 30 septembre 2010 Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
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Alexandre Poussin

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  • IFBV ASBL (RCS-F4908)
    c/o Kaufhold & Reveillaud
    REFKR QJB0019
    18, avenue Marie-Thérèse
    L-2132 Luxembourg